Does Nigeria need a healthy president?
Some have argued that the presidency is not an Olympic competition, asserting that frail health would have little or no effect on the performance of the president. They are quick to point at the US president, Joe Biden as an example of a rather frail old man, performing his duties as the president of the most powerful nation in the world.
Since the return to democracy 23 years ago, Nigeria has had her fair share of frail leaders, We all remember the late Umaru Musa Yar’adua, whose frailty was an open secret even before he was elected president. It didn’t seem to matter much to the electorate. To date, we cannot truly estimate the damage his passing while in office cost Nigeria.
Five years after the passing of President Umaru Yar’adua, we elected another president with health challenges. Fortunately, President Buhari has survived and his health even looking improved, but still, valid questions can be asked as to how much his ill health affected his presidency. Some analysts believe it is the major reason why he would be scored poorly in the handling of economic and security issues that have plagued this nation.
Is Nigeria prepared for another laissez-faire president? I am afraid not. This is not the United States where aides or the system can be trusted to protect an aged or frailing president. We need a president whose main priority is the running of the country and not his doctors’ appointments. We need a president with a strong work ethic that will be ready from day 1.
The presidency is a job. A very difficult job at that. It is not an award given to old retired men out of respect. To be a successful president, you would have to work round the clock if you are to stand any chance of fixing this country.
Lastly, Nigeria is at a precipice. We have to get it right in 2023. There is something boiling under and the lid is about to be blown open. We need a president who will be dedicated, strong and honest to tackle these issues that are threatening our existence.